Monday, February 15, 2010

The S(e)x Files Part One

November 2001.

First time chat - DD was 3yrs and 7 months old when our guinea pig had babies. DD was fascinated by the whole process, she had asked if she could see them being born and we obliged. A few days later DD asked me "how did the babies get in there, I mean, how do they get made"

So I responded with the bit about the mummy's special egg and the daddy's special seed, very generic and unspecific. DD asks - "How does the daddy get his seed in the mummy?"

Hmm - I figured truth is the best option even if it's glossed over a little. Basics about the daddy's bits and the mummy's bits. DD then comes up with "Is it the same for people?" Now I figure this is a pretty clever question for her age so I stick with the truth. "Yes, darling, it is." DD then asked very pertinant questions about the uterus etc and I ended up having to get a book down from the shelf (lucky we had one) that showed her what was where. So we discussed the physicals of birth etc in response to her questions.

DD then asks if Daddy and I do that. "Yes, darling we do." DD - "So do you have a baby in your tummy then?" me- "No darling, mummjy can't have a baby in her tummy, we've talked about that" DD "So why do you do it then?"

Me - (Mentally my jaw was agape but I managed to answer) "Because we enjoy it"

What else could I say??