Monday, February 15, 2010

The (Se)x files part Four

This is a conversation I had with my daughter when she was nine:

June 30th 2006

Well we had another one of those talks tonight.

Somehow DD bought up the subject of getting pregnant and asked (again) how does it happen. The questions she comes up with are amazing. I got asked (again) how you have sex and how old you should be. I also got asked what do you do, how do you use your mouth, what body parts you might use, why DH and I have sex. I even got asked how DH and I have sex ! I told young miss that was none of her business ! LOL

I've done the big talk about her coming to me and letting me know she wants to have sex when she's lots older so I can make sure she's safe and not likely to get pregnant. She then asked what would I do if she did... All I could tell her was that I'd love her still and we'd deal with it if it ever happened. I'm really not ready for all of this. DD then told me she was worried about getting to teenage years as so many teenagers stop listening to their parents and if she does that maybe she won't tell me she's ready and then what will happen, I'm soooo not ready for this...

I think I need 1 bourbon, 1 scotch and 1 beer. Nope I need at least 2 of each.